The game consists of C boards. Each board i is a grid of dimension ni x mi.
Rules of the game:
- A coin is placed at (1,1) on every board initially.
- Each one takes a turn alternatively.
- In one turn, a player can choose any one board and move a coin from a cell (i,j) to one of the following cells:
(i+1,j) OR (i+2,j) OR (i,j+1) OR (i,j+2) OR (i+1,j+1) OR (i+2,j+2).
- A coin cannot be moved out of the board at any point during the game.
- A coin cannot be moved once it reaches the cell (n,m) where n and m are the dimensions of the board of that coin.
- A player MUST make one valid move.
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Ramesh Chandra
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